Clonad GAA

Founded 1915

Co. Laois

🌟 Let's start a conversation about mental health! 🌟

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🌟 Let's start a conversation about mental health! 🌟
Did you know that something as simple as saying "hello" can have a huge impact on someone's day? Clonad GAA is promoting the β€˜Hello How Are You’ campaign so we can come together to promote awareness and support for mental health by checking in with everyone around us.
We all have a role to play in creating a supportive and inclusive community where everyone feels valued and heard. By taking the time to ask how someone is doing and truly listening to their response, we can help break the stigma surrounding mental health and provide much-needed support to those who may be struggling.
So, let's make it a habit to check in with our friends, family members, colleagues, and neighbours. Whether it's a quick text, a phone call, or a friendly smile and "hello" in person, every little bit of connection and kindness counts.
Together, let's spread awareness, show support, and start meaningful conversations about mental health. Remember, you never know how much of a difference your simple act of kindness can make in someone's life. Let's be there for each other, today and every day. πŸ’šπŸ’› 
#HelloHowAreYou #MentalHealthIRL #ClonadGAA #HealthyClub #StartTheConversation

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